Hi Everyone! Believe it or not, I am still here, I have been buried beneath a pile of work, family visits, classes, more work and new designs! I have good news though:
This will solve a number of issues that I have been struggling with and allow me to share updates more frequently with you. As you can see from my long absence from my site, it was too easy for me to get derailed from getting my blog posts updated. Though I still intend to share long-form content and high resolution pictures on my site, I hope that you will follow me/subscribe to me on your favorite social media portal to keep up with what is going on at The PaperMint.
Please click the green buttons on the top left or right of this page to connect with me on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter or to send me an email. "Old school" links are also shared below for your convenience:
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/atthepapermint/
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/keishadiann/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ThePaperMint
EMAIL: keishadiann@mac.com
Thank you for sticking with me and please check out what I have been up to and share your feedback where comments are available. :-)
Below is a recent picture posted to Instagram: